Happy anniversary, Boston! One year ago, I took the plunge to move to another new city and you were it! Although it was on a whim, it was the best decision I could have made.
My year with you has been full of ups and downs. Some of the tough times being a hospitalization, living in a part of the city that I didn't feel the most safe in, a breakup, some really bad dates to follow and being stuck in my apartment for months when the pandemic struck. Dealing with these things while living in this new place wasn't always the easiest, but we got through them together. You've witnessed me cry, scream, fall, hurt, and worry.
As a city, you aren't very walkable compared to other cities I know. Every road is at a weird angle, full of stop lights that take forever to turn, and your drivers; don’t even get me started! I hate that it takes me 20 minutes to go two miles even on a good day. You seem more laid back. Nightlife here is subdued and I find it hard to find a place to dance. Everyone works in healthcare or finance, and boy do they work a lot. Your people seem somewhat standoffish, no offense. I remember being told in my work orientation that New England people aren’t the nicest, and sometimes I can see why. When I say hello to someone or try to strike up a conversation with a stranger, I find it odd that they don’t really engage as much as I thought they would. But hey, it’s still worth a try.

But in looking back on our year together, those things take a backseat to all of the wonderful things we have experienced together. With you, I went on a harbor cruise, went to Red Sox (sorry to everyone back home) and Celtics games, watched Cuse at BC, walked the Freedom Trail, went on a bus tour through the city, ate so much amazing food and found some decent dance spots. I boated on the Charles River, biked the Esplanade, ate at Faneuil Hall, walked Castle Island, frequented M Street Beach, shopped at the Pru, got an aerial view of the city at Top of the Hub, and even rode a party bus through town. I checked out each neighborhood and found the little gem bookstores that I love so much. I discovered that my goal is to live in Fenway, that Eastie has a gorgeous view of the city, that Cambridge is very up and coming, that Southie is where all the 20-somethings live, that Seaport has great rooftops, that the North End is the only place for Italian, and that Back Bay has the most beautiful houses. To a city that once seemed so foreign to me, I finally feel like I have a lay of the land. Just don’t ask me for directions lol.
Boston, you allowed me to reconnect with friends from college and introduced me to many new friends, including my coworkers that are some of the most amazing people. My support system here helped me through all of those hard times and continue to be beside me laughing during all of the good ones. You’re only a 4.5 hour drive from my family and for that, I am thankful.
You gave me the absolute best career opportunity that I have ever had and have allowed me to achieve and grow so much professionally. You gave me roommates that have turned into friends and an apartment that feels like home. You introduced me to Big Brothers Big Sisters, where I can help provide mentorship to a child without any siblings. You have truly opened your arms and embraced me.
You are a gorgeous city. Having grown up by lakes and rivers, it still astonishes me that I am surrounded by the ocean. Every time I go to the beach, I have to stop and remind myself that yes, it is salt water and that yes, I need to look out for jellyfish. I did see one a couple weeks ago and it was pretty awesome. Thank you for not stinging me, Mr. Jelly.

You are inhabited by some of the most brilliant people in the world. I am amazed at the research and development coming from this city and am proud to be working at one of your finest organizations. You are filled with history, from the State House to the USS Constitution to the Boston Massacre site to Paul Revere’s burial ground. It is eerie but incredible to be walking on old battlegrounds and entering buildings where the foundation of our country began.
In this year together, you have helped me grow as a person. You have allowed me to pursue my biggest dreams, have taught me to fight for what’s right, to put myself out there, to trust in myself, and to be way too aggressive of a driver. As low as some of the lows were, the highs were so much higher. You have helped me become the strongest woman I think I’ve ever been. You’ve given me so many reasons to smile, to laugh, to let go and to truly cherish how lucky I am.
Even though I will forever regret changing my number to an 857 area code, I still love you Boston. Thanks for everything.
Just a Bean in the Big Town,